A conventional French family lives in apparent harmony...
until one day the father brings home a pet rat. As each member of the
family comes into contact with the rat, hidden sexual and psychological
desires are brought out. SITCOM is an outrageous farce that shatters
the flawless veneer of the bourgeoisie and humorously challenges the
family values of a standard sitcom.
Selected Film Festivals:
The Museum of Modern Art and the Film Society of Lincoln Center's New
Directors / New Films, 1999
Cannes 1998, Critics Week
"There's plenty to amuse and entertain as conventions
get flouted within an inch of their lives."
"Too evilly funny"
-Janet Maslin, NEW YORK TIMES
"SITCOM is consistently inspiried, imaginative
and fearless. SITCOM is most gratifying and lots of fun..a darkly outrageous
satirical farce."